Through various net security research databases and user surveys, compiled below is a list of the hundred most common passwords used across the web.
If your password is on this list of 100 most common passwords, you need a new password. A hacker can use or generate files like this, which may readily be compiled from breaches of sites such as Ashley Madison. Usually passwords are not tried one-by-one against a system's secure server online; instead a hacker might manage to gain access to a shadowed password file protected by a one-way encryption algorithm, then test each entry in a file like this to see whether its encrypted form matches what the server has on record. The passwords may then be tried against any account online that can be linked to the first, to test for passwords reused on other sites.
1. 123456
2. password
3. 12345678
4. qwerty
5. dragon
6. baseball
7. monkey
8. shadow
9. jennifer
10. 2000
11. xeroxthis
12. taylor
13. 121212
14. uganda
15. qqww1234
16. whistleblower
17. porn
18. neverguess
19. open
20. 2222
21. 123123123
22. usa1
23. quidditch
24. rickrolled
25. asdfghjkl
26. hipster
27. trap
28. 333333
29. imissu2
30. mickeyminnie
31. oshit
32. qazwsx
33. verynice
34. getoffmylawn
35. familyaffair
36. pussy
37. 10101010
38. 420420
39. unlockme
40. readyplayerone
41. lostconnection
42. video
43. wolf
44. itsonthefridge
45. abcd1234
46. justkeepswimming
47. football
48. 11111
49. gandalf
50. 232323
51. givememoney
52. yaoi
53. 654321
54. zelda
55. youknownothing
56. ilovesex
57. justice
58. xylophone88
59. 1q2w3e4r
60. 696969
61. fish
62. xxx1138
63. elise
64. yourmomma
65. zodiackiller
66. welcome
67. 77777
68. cantremember
69. victory
70. b123456
71. hello
72. 1241
73. x4ivygA51F
74. friendlyvirus
75. golf
76. enterme
77. itsnotworking
78. 88888888
79. florida
80. jesuswenis
81. pinkfluffybunny
82. 666666
83. freeinternet
84. nate
85. zxcvbnm
86. johnson
87. opera
88. iseeyou:)
89. eyeofthetiger
90. 8765309
91. therecanonlybeone
92. otis
93. on_the_wall
94. prettyflyforawifi
95. 1qaz2wsx
96. noise
97. 123456789
98. entrance
99. freedom
100. 000000