Here Are The Top 20 Most Common Pin Codes in The World

There are a possible 10,000 4-number pin combinations that can be made from 0-9. We use them for everything. Cards, phones, alarms, gates, suitcases. And yet, despite the vast variety of combinations, a striking 10.7% of us use the same one. President of Data Genetics, Nick Berry, conducted a study on 3.4 million leaked credit card pins to determine the most commonly and least commonly used passwords. He writes: “By combining the exposed password databases I’ve encountered, and filtering the results to just those rows that are exactly four digits long [0-9], the output is a database of all the four digit character combinations that people have used as their account passwords”. He found the most common password in the world is astonishingly; 1234.

The top ten are as follows: 1) 1234

2) 1111

3) 0000

4) 2000

5) 1221

6) 4444

7) 1122

8) 1515

9) 1313

10) 0011

11) 4321

12) 2580

13) 8080

14) 2255

15) 7755

16) 7777

17) 1324

18) 5566

19) 0011

20) 1010

Most Uncommon Passwords Are As Follows; 1) 6789

2) 9087

3) 6835

4) 8905

5) 9629

6) 5708

7) 8068

8) 5670

9) 7698

10) 9071

11) 7643

12) 9019

13) 4689

14) 4576

15) 9971

16) 6799

17) 5459

18) 2267

19) 5609

20) 0984